The information you provide is used solely for order and request processing only. We do not share this information with outside parties except when necessary to complete a customer request. Customer information may be used by Degnan Co to advise existing customers of new products, updated pricing, and changes in billing or other account information.
We never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above.
Degnan Co applies industry-standard PCI Compliance according to our merchant and banking partners as required.
This applies to all information submitted through use of the Degnan Co web site. You can inquire about services from our web site. The type of personal information that may be collected includes:
E-mail address
Phone/fax number
Billing information
Customers can access and update their billing information through the corporate account facility located on this web site. Corporate accounts will only have access to their information, all other use is prohibited and prevented.
By Email
Phone: 484 732 7041
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was enacted to protect the intellectual property of individuals whose copyrighted works have been digitized and made available on the Internet. As required by the act Degnan Co will submit a notice to the Public Information Office, Register of Copyright. Complaints regarding copyright infringements should be submitted
Degnan Co will not contact a customer by email requesting a username and password. Report any suspicious activity immediately. Degnan Co reserves the right to suspend any activity by customers who are in violation or contradiction of the copyright or privacy policies stated on this page.