iPhone Settings for Degnan Co. Webmail Customers

The following instructions should help customers on Apple mobile devices on connecting to their Webmail. Keep in mind they will vary depending on device, but much of this information carries over to other systems.

Outgoing Mail

  1. Set outgoing domain to smtp.{DOMAIN} (for example, smtp.test.com).
  2. If asked about using SSL in any way, say no.
  3. Set your valid username and password.
  4. Authentication type should be your password.
  5. All outgoing traffic should be routed through port 587.

Incoming Mail

  1. Set incoming domain to mail.{DOMAIN} (ex. mail.test.com). For IMAP customers, imap.{DOMAIN} can be used as well.
  2. Set your valid username and password.
  3. If asked about using SSL in any way, say no.
  4. All incoming traffic should be routed through port 110.